With our hundred-degree summer days my ladies finger (okra) plants are so happy in the garden. If you live in the Southeastern US, they grow almost like weeds - all they need is sun and water. I am picking a few every day and squirrelling them away in the fridge until I have enough to make sauteed okra, Indian-style.
If you want the full recipe, my dear old friend Yvonne over at My Halal Kitchen wrote up a touching tribute to the recipe that has been handed down over the generations in my family. When I was a student in Ohio (no Indian grocery store in Athens, horrors!), I adapted the recipe to use ingredients I could find while preserving the authenticity of taste. Tender, fresh okra works best. For minimum sliminess, make sure the okra isn't bruised and brown looking, and make sure to pat dry before sauteeing.
You can read Yvonne's very sweet post with my grandma's recipe, here http://www.myhalalkitchen.com/2010/09/30/okra-south-indian-style/
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